My Non-Official Vows

” I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever. I promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love. And to always know in the deepest part of my soul that no matter what challenges might carry us apart, we will always find our way back to each other.” – The Vow

To the man I’m going to marry one day, here are some things to expect from me.

I vow to love your wholeheartedly, no matter what distractions or doubts are thrown at us.

I vow to never make my parents mistakes, and to be a example others can follow.

I vow to support and believe in you and us, even when you don’t believe in yourself.

I vow to stand by you through the valleys and mountain tops of life.

I vow to pick you up when you aren’t strong enough to rise on your own.

I vow to never put you in the position of being alone.

I vow to fight like hell for you.

I vow to trust you even when my past insecurities creep in.

I vow to let you lead me, even when the journey ahead is not mapped out.

I vow to always be your best friend.

I vow to never forget that your love for me, is a choice not a right.

I vow to fall for your more every day.

I vow to never let our flame fade.

I vow to support your dreams, goals, and aspirations.

I vow to accept your demons and go toe to toe with them when needed.

I vow to never make you question my feelings for you.

I vow to always treat you like you hung the moon.

I vow to be fiercely loyal. because my eyes will never look towards another….

because its only ever been you

13 thoughts on “My Non-Official Vows

  1. joansanusi says:

    So sweet and innocent. Great if unaware of this vows, your partner has 95% of it too. Then you are both on the same page or else, fundamental issues in marriage aren’t easily dealt with. Lots of hard work but worth it!


  2. Phil says:

    A beautiful piece of writing. My problem is how do we make people who make vows keep them? So many forget their vows at the first sign of wear and tear in their homes.


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