An Open Letter To My Friends That Support Hillary Clinton

First of all, if this offends you, good. Maybe it’ll shed some light into your closed, blind eyes. If not feel free to call me ignorant and delete me from your friends list, because having one less Hillary supporter in my life will do me some good.

Hillary Clinton. Hurts my heart even typing her name. How could anyone support her? She is a liar, manipulator, and clearly not capable of leading this country into anything except the toilet. I feel like i could throw something in there about not even being able to keep her husband happy, but its unnecessary. She still supports Obama, and anyone who can do that openly needs a mental evaluation or a come to Jesus meeting. Not to mention she is the reason 4 Americans were killed in Benghazi, since she was responsible for the safety of all Americans on foreign lands. Throw in the fact she tried to cover up her mistake and lying about what actually happened, again 4 Americans were killed, who on earth can allow her to have control over our nation. Let’s break down her policies shall we.

2nd Amendment.
According to her “33,000 Americans are killed by guns each year”. Does that take into account how many were killed in gun free Zones or by people who obtained guns illegally? Not one murder was commited by an NRA member last year, which proves proper education and safety training lead to responsible gun owners. She thinks people who are mentally ill shouldn’t have guns. Well no one should have drugs or be one of the 100,000 drug related deaths in 2014, but that’s not as important as gun deaths.

She supports Obama’s efforts to allow anyone who wants to come here, do it. She supports comprehensive immigration, which if you don’t know, means all immigrants are on the fast track to citizenship.  She wants ILLEGAL immigrants out of detention centers, and made citizens. How does that make any sense? You need a background check to get a gun, but any Jose, Julio, or Juan can waltz right on over and get free health care, housing, and a job? I don’t think so.

She claims “politicians have no right interfering with our health decisions”. Aka she is pro choice. She also claims she is okay with certain THIRD TRIMESTER abortions. For those of you who don’t have a uterus that means last three months of pregnancy. You realize babies can survive out of the womb at 6 months? Yet, the mothers “health” issues, warrant certain abortions. NO KILLARY.

Foreign Policy.
You’re kidding right? She is a proven liar so what nation on earth would want to work with her? No country would trust her with classified information since she is known for giving out top secret things and compromising the lives of the people protecting the Intel.


Why is everyone attacking the upper class? I don’t understand how taxing them more is going to help out the middle class. Is their money going to go into my pocket, no. Using it for ” tax reforms ” means it’s going to support welfare, food stamps, and government housing for people who sit on their asses all day.

Basically Hillary Clinton is not a good leader, politician, or American. She doesn’t fight for the good of the nation, the protection of the citizens, or the safety of our secrets. Anyone who gets caught deleting top secret information, which she sent out by unsecured email, and was solely responsible for American deaths cannot be allowed any sort of power. The fact that she is the former first lady is the only reason she hasn’t been thrown into jail yet.


If you made it through and still support her, please feel free to tell me why. Who knows maybe I’m misinformed….. I doubt it though.

99 thoughts on “An Open Letter To My Friends That Support Hillary Clinton

  1. mthayes42 says:

    Thanks for the “like” on my blog Because of it I’ve checked out your blog and like much of it. As a 74 year old codger, I haven’t found the beauty tips very helpful but maybe that’s my fault, eh?

    I do take exception, however, to your comments about Clinton. The Republicans have spent millions of taxpayers dollars trying to pin something on her but they failed. That hasn’t stopped them from repeating ad nauseum the very ideas they could not prove to be true. I’m no fan of Clinton but she surely has an extensive list of experiences to prepare her for the office. And as for foreign leaders not trusting her, that simply isn’t the case at all. You may speculate that, if you were a foreign leader, you would be bothered by her e-mail controversy but the foreign leaders are realistic, knowing they too make lots of mistakes. What matters, concerning your point, is that there is no evidence that any foreign leader has thought it to be serious enough to worry about. They know her, have worked with her, and respect her.

    But, whatever you may think of Clinton, you do have to keep in mind that our political system has given us two viable choices. The alternative to Clinton is emotionally stunted, narcissistic, hyper-sensitive, self-centered, boastful, and apparently incapable of speaking without violating either the truth or common sense. If you are tempted to give him a moment’s consideration, I urge you to read “The Prince” by Machiavelli, where you’ll find a description of tyrants that is a perfect fit for trump. And if you still think there might be any hope for him, please, please take the time to become acquainted with Germany in 1932-33 and the many warning signs about Hitler that the German people ignored. Their failure to recognize a mean-spirited dictator in the making cost millions and millions of lives. And trump is very much like Hitler. Don’t just react and say No. Read the history for yourself and it will scare the dickens out of you.

    Liked by 9 people

    • Kiley says:

      See I would say the warning signs for w Hitler esq candidate would not be trump. And as for someone who is the military lifestyle I couldn’t ever support someone who abandons our soldiers while they are abroad. Luckily, like you said, we have been given two choices so we have to option to vote for whomever we want!

      Liked by 1 person

      • mthayes42 says:

        Please do read Machiavelli and research Germany in the early 1930s. This is very serious: trump is a severe threat to democracy and world peace. I’m not talking about policy differences, since trump actually has neither a policy nor any clue what a policy is. What I’m talking about is a demonic megalomaniac. Every single day he proves it. He fits the pattern of a cruel tyrant to a tee. All he lack s is the power to enforce his illness and it is that power he is seeking. Hillary may not be a good choice but her flaws are trivial compared to trump. He is truly, truly dangerous.

        Liked by 7 people

      • Kiley says:

        I don’t see it that way. Though he may not be a seasoned politician, he really has no reason to be running, except the fact he thinks this country has gotten to such a bad place. I can’t comment on his character, I can only base my decision off my own opinion of his stands on the issues.

        Liked by 1 person

      • mthayes42 says:

        Please, please, please read Machiavelli. Please do it. How can you respect a man who is asked who he listens to for advice on foreign affairs and answers, “I listen to myself. I’ve said a lot of things.” Just how big a fool must he make of himself?

        Liked by 6 people

      • Kiley says:

        Well a self made billionaire who works hand in hand with foreign countries must have some good insight. He also has used all the big business government loopholes so he knows how to stop them. Seems like a smart guy.


      • mthayes42 says:

        Ever hear the old phrase, “Don’t put the fox in charge of the hen house”? That trump has boasted about corrupting politicians does not mean he has reformed his corrupt ways. Why in the world would you think he has changed? trump has had very little overseas experience and even that has been limited in nature. Nothing at all resembling in any faint way the political relationships that are so crucial and so complex in international relations. If he is so good in foreign relations, how come he didn’t know Russia had invaded Ukraine. And how come the president of France says trump makes him want to retch? And as for being “self made,” remember how rich he was to start with and how very many people he has cheated along the way. He has profited off money that was not his; it belonged to his father and even more to the creditors he has stiffed. Please read Machiavelli — it is a short book describing how a brutal tyrant must act. Nearly every page is a perfect description of donald trump. Please do read it.

        Liked by 5 people

      • Kiley says:

        Trump’s dad gave him the option to join the family business or leave and be on his own, which he did. I don’t think he is ideal but we are talking about who is best. In my opinion Hillary is not the best. America has always been known for its strong military, it’s what keeps invaders at bay. Fear of being bombarded by us. Do you think Hillary, who wants to take guns away from the military and law enforcement can uphold to that standard? I don’t think so. Plus she is responsible for 4 Americans getting killed in Benghazi, and then tried to lie about it. Then to rub salt in the wounds, called the victims families liars. I don’t think that sounds like presidential material. And as a woman I can think of 100 better representatives for us.


      • mthayes42 says:

        I love this exchange, Kiley. It fells like we’re becoming old friends who can agree to disagree. I really agree with you that the real question is who is best of the two candidates. (I don’t count third party candidates since they haven’t a chance.) My point about trump is that he is so very, very much like a dangerous tyrant. He is not a leader but a domineering intimidator. Such a person is — at best — a serious enemy of democracy. Where did you learn that Hillary wants to disarm the military and police forces? Do you think that is in any way credible? And as for Hillary being responsible for the Benghazi deaths, please remember that the Republicans spent millions of taxpayer dollars and thousands of hours trying to prove that. They failed.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Kiley says:

        In an interview she did, the same one where she said there are “good gangs” haha just because she wasn’t found guilty doesn’t make her innocent, just like the emails that compromised the united States safety. Just because she hasn’t gotten in trouble for then, doesn’t mean she is innocent. Trump hasn’t lied to every American citizen. Nor has he used the parents of a dead Muslim soldier to exploit the other candidates policies.


      • mthayes42 says:

        Can you name a single day in the last year when trump has not either lied or mislead the American people? A single day? As for Clinton not being innocent just because she was not found guilty, perhaps you don’t recall that a fundamental principle in American law is that we are innocent until proven guilty. Just think of what bad comedy this is: Republicans spent somewhere around $8 million trying to find some guilt and failed. How is it that you, having spent a bit less than that, I assume, know more than do the enemies of Clinton? You mentioned earlier something about being military. How do you feel about trump saying he doesn’t like people who get captured or blasting a Gold Star family? Have you read Machiavelli yet to see how very precisely trump fits the pattern for a cruel tyrant?

        Liked by 5 people

      • Kiley says:

        Name something he has lied about. Clinton has lied about tons; such as saying she was under enemy sniper fire. Listen if the government finds her guilty they look like dumb asses for putting her there so they kind of can’t prosecute her without slitting their own wrist. Blasting a gold star family? How does it feel watching Clinton parade the “young men killed at the hands of the police” around on the DNC stage, but never allowed the families and children of the cops that were killed by these thugs say a word. Or the fact that her camp picked the one Muslim soldier to get killed in combat to use as their example to take down trump. She is parading their dead sons memory around like a scapegoat. They are all pawns to attempt to prove trump is wrong as opposed to proving she actually wants what’s best for this country. As for tyrant I don’t think either one or us is well educated enough to speak on that since we don’t know him and he has no political past, and no I haven’t read it but I surely will when you read some of D’Souza’s work. Or better yet his movie is in theaters. You can go watch it.


      • mthayes42 says:

        My graduate degrees would suggest that I do have a bit of education and I am more than well enough familiar with the history of western civilization to recognize at a glance that trump fits the model of a tyrant perfectly. trump may have no political pt but he does have a very public record of immorality, greed, deception, manipulation. There is no secret about how despicable his record is. As for lies, let’s just start at day one. “Mexico is sending . . . drug dealers, rapists. . . ” What possible connection to truth can we find in that? Or let’s look at the last few days. Did he suggest or even hint at any evidence that the November election might be rigged against him? That’s the way tyrants speak, not leaders in a democracy, which depends upon some degree of trust. No politician is fully trustworthy, at least not today (though I know of no instances of Elizabeth Warren or Amy Klobuchar or a few others twisting truth). But anyone who deliberately and recklessly sows distrust is a whole new level of disgusting and dangerous. And, by the way, I am familiar with the shoddy work of D’Sousa. I do not believe he would get passing grades in any undergraduate courses for his level of thought. And why was he in prison? Again, I am not at all fond of Clinton but I know that she has an extensive record of serving America, making trump’s lifetime of self-serving seem especially ugly.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Kiley says:

        It seems like I have offended you in some way so I think we should just agree to disagree on this one. Your vote for Hillary will void my vote for Trump so win win.


      • mthayes42 says:

        Not offended at all. I just didn’t want you to think I was speaking from ignorance. I’ve been a careful student of history for many years, especially of Germany in the 1930s. I’m very conscious of what Hitler looked like to the Germans in 1933 and 1934. Very few recognized that he had made clear in a thousand ways that he was entirely self-centered, inclined to over-react to criticism, and entirely unable to accept advice or correction from anyone else. He loved naming scapegoats. It was only when he got the power to enforce his will that most people caught on. . .but by then it was too late. He was very persuasive and conciliatory when talking to people one on one. It took some time to figure out he lied without any conscience at all. If you will study Hitler or read Machiavelli, I’m sure you will not cancel my vote for Hillary. But even if you do, I have enjoyed the discussion. Thanks!

        Liked by 2 people

      • Kiley says:

        I too have read a lot about Hitler and the mind games he played with people, I just don’t see the connection with him and Trump, rather him and Hillary.


      • homerbuford says:

        Again, I will vet my years in Germany against your worn out echoes gramnaphonrd by the press about Hitler, the Germans, the Russians, the murderous ChurchHill, the puppet FDR, and the Jewish war openly declared on Germany in 1933.
        You are a an obvious shill, I do not care if I offend you or anyone else. You have no original information or thoughts of your own. You are every wit the dunce public schools have turned out.


      • homerbuford says:

        I will vet my many years of overseas service against your DIY graduate degree anytime. How dare you duplicate that old communist trick in hopes of gaining respect for your historical views. You recognize at a glance that Trump is a Tyrant? That is interesting! Killary has sent visible signals to the COMMUNIST Party ( Apostles of Marx- Lenin )
        that she is one of them. You missed it because of sloppy scholarship.

        Liked by 1 person

    • homerbuford says:

      You choking on a gnat? You see the obvious in ” The Prince” Machiavelli? Excuse me while I spit my coffee out.
      Every appearance of Hillary ( for many years) has been with her making an obvious signal to her Comrades ( Apostles of Marx-Lenin) in the audience, that she is one of them. She became communists in her youth. Missed that in ” The Prince” somewhere? Tryrant? Tryrant?
      You swallow the camel here, in your lazy Bible Perusal.
      ” a description of tyrants that is a fit for Trump”
      Are you evenly remotely aware that the White House was going to be over run and FDR arrested? He called soon J.Edgar Hoover’s FBI to help him. Sending troops into WWII sure helped, at least a Military Coup would be avoided.
      Am I harsh? You bet! The Bible commands…COMMANDS to study and show yourself approved..2 Tim. 2:15
      Do not wait until Luke 17:10( you are a worthless servant, having done only what was asked of you) becomes your dirge instead of John 3:16


      • homerbuford says:

        Gnats, caramels, jawbreakers, camels. The logical conclusion for America is Tyranny. It was always the conclusion for Communism, and its success here in America is no different. Trump builds a wall ? Tyranny. Clinton forces multicultural/ religion on America? Tyranny.
        A third party candidate, ex CIA? Tyranny. Somebody is going to discharge that cannon no matter what. And the winner is…….Mr. I- told- you- so- himself, the author of Deuteronomy chapter 28.


      • mthayes42 says:

        And here is where we meet, homerbuford. For all the ups and downs of Americans politics, the one sure and certain thing is that the Lord of Creation is the righteous judge of the universe. His perfect justice will prevail, no matter how many people or nations self-destruct in resisting him. I am convinced that one of the most significant changes in the American character since the time of the Founding Fathers is the loss of a sense of accountability to our Creator. When we listen carefully to Deuteronomy 28, all we can say at the end is, “Lord, forgive me and forgive us our sins and lead me/us in paths of righteousness.”

        Liked by 1 person

      • homerbuford says:

        We are seeing the beginnings of Armageddon. Long awaited, falsely timed and prophesied, it is finally here. I doubt there is going to be an election.


    • Rob says:

      “emotionally stunted, , hyper-sensitive, self centered, boastful, and apparently incapable of speaking without violating either the truth or common sense.” Exact Description of both Hillary, Bill,, and Obama, and nearly all Democrats… your argument is a non argument …LOL


      • mthayes42 says:

        It takes a lot of bias to put Obama and the Clintons in the same class of liars as trump. We are stuck in America with politicians who work hard to shade the truth in their own favor. That’s pretty disgusting and, at the moment, causes all of us to be bothered by Hillary. But just think for a moment of how extraordinarily busy the fact checkers have been with trump. Dozens and dozens of times in the last few months he has spoken bald-faced lies and, when caught, he simply doubles down and refuses to admit he has made up his own “imaginary reality.” Rarely do the fact checkers find anything he has said to be true. Then compare the years of very high level public service by Hillary with the years of greed and cheating by trump. I’m no great fan of Clinton but by no means could she be said to be like Hitler, whereas trump is eerily like the monster.

        Liked by 1 person

    • homerbuford says:

      I hope your assessment of this lesser -of -two -evils has a way out?
      Trump’s wall will keep people out.
      Hillary’s wall- and there will be one, will be to keep people in; no escapes.
      Trump’s ‘ anti Muslim, Anti refugee, Anti gun confiscationand anti black crimes will be a nightmare for criminals.
      Hillary’s pro Islam, pro refugees and pro gun confiscation and pro black crimes will be a nightmare for those who will be invited to her ‘ Camp Fema’

      Liked by 1 person

      • Dr. George Gallant says:

        I have remained out of the United States for almost eight years because of Obama, and if Hillary becomes president, I will continue to stay out. Hillary will only escalate the anger and racial tension that began, in earnest, under the Obama administration. The United States a country I went to war for back in the late 60s and early 70s, has become a war zone and unsafe, so be careful if you live there.

        Where I am, believe it or not, one can walk down the streets at 1 AM and feel safe; this is impossible for any state in America today. I remember as a young boy one almost never locked your home.

        It was also safe to leave a very young child alone to play in the back yard, do not try that today.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Carl D'Agostino says:

    Hillarybillary is not to be trusted. At her convention speech she went down the list and promises a sweet strawberry to every single subset of the population. She says Trump is a loose cannon. Well she had cannons and did not send them to Benghazi. No presidential family in history has been so shameless in generating wealth. It is shameful. Thanks for your recent visit to my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. w1nt3l says:

    I’m faced with potentially the following choices in November: Clinton / Trump / Johnson* / Stein*
    *if they managed to get on the ballot in my state

    No on Clinton. No on Trump. Johnson and Stein wouldn’t be a “wasted vote” as my state isn’t a swing-state, but they don’t have a snowballs chance of winning overall.

    For the first time since I started voting, I believe the correct action for me is to not cast a vote for the next President as the entire system is corrupt. A conclusion I’ve arrived to very recently I might add. The system needs a serious overhaul and reboot!


  4. Richard says:

    Hi! Thanks for liking my recent post on the Olympics. Hope you’ll find the time to browse the other things that have fallen out of my brain!

    Anyway, I get the sense that anything I could say in Clinton’s defense would be of no avail. That’s fine; I’m getting used to that. Please don’t let your hatred for either candidate keep you at home this November – vote in your state and local elections!!!!

    Let me instead comment on your discussion on the Second Amendment.

    You mention “33,000 Americans are killed by guns each year”. That’s a good ballpark figure. However, rather than talk about “gun free zones”, why not mention that the number is inflated because nearly two-thirds of those deaths are suicides? I wish we could work out a deal. We drop the number of suicides from the total, but we also get to mention the number of people wounded by gun violence along with it.

    Fair enough?

    Liked by 1 person

    • 3375F says:

      Hey I am definitely voting in any election I can. I also don’t hate Hillary Clinton, I just don’t think she is a good person. I am in full support of the 2nd amendment and think it’s everyone’s right to purchase and own a firearm. There are lots of hoops people who purchase guns have to jump through that are never mentioned, like having to get a tag stamp for any lower receiver you purchase, registered by state and federal government. But some people get guns off the street or from other channels, which is why guns are seen as bad. The people who purchase them properly usually aren’t the ones shooting people.


  5. jgarrott says:

    I certainly agree with your post, and reading the comments (though I gave up after a while) simply proves that liberalism is a mental illness. I frankly don’t care for Donald Trump, since long before he entered politics, but I find him far preferable to Hillary, who has even more negatives than you list.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. spiritualdragonfly says:

    I’m with you on Hillary. In all honestly, she makes me ill. I find it hard to believe anyone still rallies behind her. My husband is a government employee, if he did a quarter of what she’s done, he would not be working, yet she continues to get free passes………Trump was not my first choice, but it’s obvious that Hillary will be following in Obamas footsteps, and we all have seen what his kind of change has brought us..we’ve got more discord in our country now than before he took office…..I’m willing take my chances on Trump,

    Liked by 1 person

    • 3375F says:

      I totally agree. I don’t understand how people can still believe in her or want her to be in charge of this country. No one should be above the law, that goes for anyone, especially the people in forcing them.


  7. theanomaloushost says:

    Ok, I’ve gotta get in on this. First of all, I’m not sure how legit D’Souza is with his books and films, but I do know that Hillary’s America is not a very good documentary. Filmed poorly, too exploitive of the past, and one could easily make the argument that things have changed since then, and they would be right to an extent.

    That being said, there are 2 other documentaries worth watching that are much better than that one, and both are available on youtube last I checked. Hillary: The Movie (skip past the first 8 minutes of that film, and the rest is good), and Clinton Cash (if anyone feels like supporting her after watching that film, I question their sanity, unless they have good reason to believe that the evidence in that film is false, in which case I would love to see their argument).

    Bottom line, just about everything people bash Trump for, at the very least, Hillary has just about the same issues except multiplied, and she’s more subtle about it as opposed to Trump’s bluntness. I believe I’ve seen Trump at his worst, talking action-wise, not words wise. There are 2 documentaries on Trump that show how he builds golf courses or resorts in areas at the expense of making some of the people living in the area suffer for it (You’ve Been Trumped is the name of one of those documentaries). It’s minor compared to how much Hillary made the Haitians suffer with what she did to exploit the Haitian earthquake crisis (one of several instances), but it’s still a fault.

    The one thing Hillary did that made me an enemy of her and spurred me into researching her (by research I mean watching the documentaries and keeping up with the news on her and such) was her involvement with the largest and worst incident of film censorship in the history of America. The banning of the film The Path to 9/11. If you want to know more about that, check my blog in early September, where I review that movie and go very in-depth with the controversy surrounding it, as well as the actual quality of the film itself.

    The Anomalous Host

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pete says:

    What a great conversation. Just found it this morning and read through a lot of it. I agree with the original post about Hillary. She can’t be trusted. The Clinton money and influence has kept her out or trouble, nothing more. Many have done far lesser things and are in jail for them.

    Funny how Democrats like to call Hitler into the picture. Haven’t read Machiavelli and I won’t, but come on. He’s a business man, not a politician. He has a problem with his filter, and Hillary always has her filter on high alert. Have you ever seen the videos of how Hillary treats people in hotels where she stays? It’s deplorable! At least with Trump, you know where you stand. With Hillary, it’s all encoded.

    Neither are even close to perfect. And Trump has to fight the media as well, which might as well just come out and endorse Hillary. It’s not a fair fight, but amazingly he is holding his ground. It will be interesting

    Lastly, I believe God is in control. Whoever wins is the one He wants there, and we need to pray for them. He has the ultimate plan for America, and I haven’t the foggiest idea what that is at this point in His story.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. theasianroughrider says:

    This letter is not very open. It actually seems closed and one sided, maybe even dogmatic. I am not advocating for Trump or Hilary. I am advocating for Jesus, literally, figuratively and every other …ly

    At the end of the day it is not your vote that will count for eternity, it’s who you trust with your heart. When He becomes the goal than what you do with your hands, speak with your mouth and write in your blog actually matters. My socio-political action is is not in a ballot box but it’s in a glass of water for the thirsty, its in a bed for the needy, its in kindness to my enemies.

    God is not going to hold you accountable for what Dump or Killary will do, He will only ask about your actions. You can’t change an entire country but you can affect change around you. Shine.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. mthayes42 says:

    Just checked in on this thread after neglecting it for a few days.I was hoping someone would say they’ve read Machiavelli. For trump supporters who think Clinton lies more than he does, may I also suggest checking in regularly with the various fact-checkers. Neither candidate looks especially good but one is absolutely amazing in how often the fact checkers find falsehoods in what he says. Hillary is a politician and I want to see Washington cleared of typical politicians — but voting for someone who has boasted about being one of those who have corrupted the government is hardly a way to improve things. We’ve got to start the revolution toward good sense and integrity by voting for good people — not politicians — for the House and Senate, since this year’s presidential election gives us no credible options.


  11. Nativegrl77 says:

    not sure what you mean by friends …you liked a post of mine. I completely disagree with your post and feel like you are uninformed, you need to hear his words but then again you feel that way about us clinton supporters … #imwithher I read Machiavelli and this doesn’t begin to explain away trump because he is NOT a character he is a real life … wannabe dic-tator and if we take each of your anti clinton comments the notion that a man who has no political background should be President in the first place is where i would start. I would then move into all his financial dealings,what he is saying about us people of colour,least we talk about a wall,rounding up mexicans or maybe muslims too are only the beginning and if you truly are a trumpie … none of the facts matter so block me because a trump supporter is a supporter of racism among other things


  12. Joe says:

    Thank you for this post. I very much enjoyed reading it. It’s nice to see someone who has the same opinion as I do. It’s just amazing how anyone can vote for someone who habitually lies, covered up and lied about her classified emails and servers, let four people die and she has a body trail behind her of all the people who were trying to get to the truth.

    Thank you again!

    Liked by 1 person

    • 3375F says:

      Thank you! I agree with you I have zero clue how anyone can vote for her. She is still guilty even though she hasn’t gone to trial, and thats only because of who she is


  13. Foundations of Sapphires says:

    I don’t like her, either, but you really should’ve kept that comment about her husband cheating on her to yourself. When a man is unfaithful to his wife it is 100% HIS fault and has nothing to do with his wife. That is his sin and you can’t blame other people for his adultery. She may not have been a good wife but that’s definitely none of our business to speculate or judge. I’m sorry, but as someone who has experienced unfaithfulness in marriage I can tell you straight up it had nothing to do with him not “getting any.” We were active about four times a day and I was a damn good wife thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Venturing Unitarian says:

    Thank you for liking my post on striving. I’m curious to know what you liked about it.

    I grew up conservative Republican and eventually changed my mind. It happened gradually, through many experiences and much study. The 2008 election was a turning point for me, and I have been a Democrat ever since. I plan on voting for Hillary, I do feel she is the most competent, but I also see why she falls flat for a lot of people.

    By the way, Krista Tippet’s book, Becoming Wise, is having a profound impact on me. It is a very graceful handling of where we are as a culture and how we talk to each other, particularly about political issues, but also about religion. Transcends the usual.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. G.B.Y.S says:

    I don’t necessarily think that Clinton or Trump is presidential material. Also, I don’t think making a comment about the Clintons personal relationship (i.e. marriage) was appropriate and has nothing to do with her candidacy. However, I personally don’t think that Christians should get involved in politics to the point where they would make sharp judgments against one another; Not that one should not vote but personally I believe regardless of the votes or who wins. It is already planned before hand, actually before time because God appointed it. The Word of God said that we should honor our leaders and pray for them. Dishonoring him would be like dishonoring God’s decision to make him or her the president of the Unites States. Not that I disagree with your post on some things but I don’t agree with what Trump stands for because he builds strife which isn’t Christ-like and he uses intimidation and he is quite bias, particularly against a people who work for him. I just don’t find it appropriate at all for presidency, but hey it is not my decision. Hillary says she is a Christian but she is for abortion which is sinful in itself and ungodly. Abortion sows much evil on this land and a President to be for it and not against it, even personally, send red flags. When it comes down to it, however, most people who support Trump seem to “think” like him when it comes to what they think towards Muslims and against certain people of color. Yes, there are some Muslims who hate America and yes they are some criminals who came from across the border but to build strife and to say nasty things the “way” he says them…Thus, not either candidate is positive or make a honest president from my perspective. God knows though, and he shall decide and whatever or whoever that is, we must pray and not judge one another or think less of one another because of ones “political party”; It is ungodly and just as much as sin to God. Pray for America and pray for our leaders because America has done many good things through the years but many bad things too in the past and in the present and has sown evil into this land and sad to say that America will pay for them sooner rather than later if America continues to forget God and his blessings. So we need to pray that God will not judge this land severely but such judgment will be delayed. God bless and God loves you!


  16. usathroughoureyes says:

    It is so refreshing to read a young woman brave enough to step out and express such wisdom about not only Hillary but the Clinton family. We as a nation need to get back to the truth about there being right and wrong. Lets stop party politics and get back to truth regardless of ones part affiliation. Our founding Fathers didn’t leave the room until they agreed on what was right for our nation even when it was unpopular to their part affiliation.


  17. deborahanndykeman says:

    Great post! After what happened with Bill Clinton during his presidency, I cannot understand why the Clintons were ever allowed back in Washington. They proved their integrity, or lack of it at that time. Incredibly sad that so many Americans don’t understand what this country was founded on, stood for, and why it should be upheld today.

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  18. mystic1muse says:

    “If you made it through and still support her, please feel free to tell me why. Who knows maybe I’m misinformed…”

    If you are serious, then to answer will take a lengthy dialog in which we examine each of your points and the evidence for or against it. Seem reasonable?

    So, to begin, let’s take your first point, namely, that Hillary is a liar. Since everything is relative and a matter of degree, I think the question should be: to what degree is the name “liar” applicable to the two candidates? Have you made such a comparison in as objective a manner as you can? And if so, what sources did you use to draw your facts, or presumed facts from?

    Liked by 1 person

  19. loveonastick says:

    Wow! You guys, Americans, are really stuck between a rock and a hard place. Coming from NZ’s liberal left I find Trump and his policies vulgar, and yes I do see a mad tyrant in him. But poor you guys because I don’t think I’d want to vote for Clinton either. Good luck.


  20. mthayes42 says:

    WordPress keeps notifying me that I’m getting “likes” for my comments in this thread, so I thought I ought to check back in. Looks like much else in this campaign: Lots of arguing back and forth but little or no persuading. When the two main candidates for president are so strongly disliked by the majority of us, we get locked into fruitless battles over who is the least bad for America. Watching all this, I’ve become more convinced than ever that the revolution we all want in Washington will not and cannot come from a presidential election. We need to learn to recognize candidates for House and Senate who cannot be bought, who value America more than their political party, and who — in short — are people of real integrity and common sense. That will gradually reform the parties and in time allow them to nominate suitable candidates for president. It will take several election cycles, so we’d better get started.


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