| Day 1 | Prancing Through the Psalms

Here we are friends, kicking off the Psalms reading I told ya about last week. I am not exactly sure how this will go but let us give it a whirl.

I read everything in the NIV translation, because it is the easiest for me to understand. My first bible was KJV and lets just say, me doth not liketh thou. ( KJV readers will get that joke). The exact version I have can be found On AMAZON.

Psalm 1 is a whopping 6 verses so this should take you no time to breeze through it. If you do not have a bible you can read this psalm in its entirety HERE

My favorite verse is verse 2 that says but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
    and who meditates on his law day and night.”

I personally love this verse for two reasons. One being when it says “whose delight is in the law of the Lord”. I sometimes forget and need reminding that being a lover and follower of the Lord is not a chore, but a privilege. It makes me happy and delighted to read about the ways of the lord and what a gift it is that we have the opportunity to know it and have the chance to choose to follow it everyday!

The second reason I love this verse is when it says “who meditates on his law day and night”. This is so important to keep in mind when you walk through life. Day and night means all day everyday, not just when you wake up and not just when you are about to go to sleep. Conversations with God can happen non-stop, thanks to him can flow freely whenever the swell in your heart. Meditation or quiet time with God is so majorly important too. How can you hear His plans for you if you dont stop and listen! Feel free to take five or ten minutes whenever you can to just read your bible. You will be blown away by the things God will reveal to you, You just have to put your phone down, step away from Netflix and do it.

Looky there boys and girl we made it through the first verse. Give yourself a pat on the back. I will see ya back here for verse 2 shortly.


10 thoughts on “| Day 1 | Prancing Through the Psalms

  1. Tom says:

    I love how you put it that being a lover and a follower of the Lord is not a chore but a privilege. How great it is that we are called the children of God! What better thing can there be than that?


  2. Jane Catherine Rozek says:

    Great idea for a series! “Oh how I love the law. It is ever with me, the commands make me wiser than my unfriendly foes. Oh how sweet are the words more than honey is sweet.” This is a song I used to sing taken from Psalms 119:97-103 Blessings and joy to you!


  3. irishanglican ~ Fr. Robert says:

    As an Irish Brit I was somewhat weened on the KJV, but only after I left Catholicism, where we read the Douay-Rheims, aye I am that old! 😉 But strange how I learned to love the Word of God reading the KJV, though I am hardly a KJV only man, but the cadence of the KJV was good for learning in the memory of the Holy Scripture! But, I too now read most all of the newer (and older, RV 1880, NAS 1901, etc.) English Translations, but I generally like the standard literal word for word translations, the NASB Update Version (1995). But I too like and read the NIV, 2012 also. But I have almost every known English Bible Translation! And of course I can read my NT Greek Text, which I do every A.M. But I too simply love the Psalms/the Psalter, perhaps my favorite Book/Books in the Bible, which surely posits the great Doctrine of God the Almighty! Btw John Calvin also loved the Psalter, where we can see the great Heritage of the Reformation! Note Herman Selderhuis great English book: Calvin’s Theology of the Psalms, (Baker Academic, 2007) Selderhuis is professor of church history at the Theologische Universiteit Apeldoorn in the Netherlands, and a Reformation scholar.

    But Amen! Let’s read the Psalms and the Psalter!

    Liked by 1 person

      • irishanglican ~ Fr. Robert says:

        And btw, make that the NIV 2011 (not 12), I like it much better than the older NIV 1984. It is much better in my opinion especially in the Book of Romans! See, Romans 3: 25 for example. Though the NIV 1984 is not bad, the 2011 Version is just much better, of course again in my opinion.


      • irishanglican ~ Fr. Robert says:

        And btw, while were at it, let me also recommend The NIV Study Bible, 2011 Edition (Zondervan, 2530 pages, a rather new full color version with photos, charts & maps). I like very much, it is the newest NIV Study Bible that first came out in 1985, but with the new or 2011 NIV Translation. It is generally Reformational, Reformed and Evangelical. And yes I have a genuine leather copy myself, just grand!


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